

Vehicle, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Recreation Loan Rates

  • New Vehicles

    New vehicles include vehicles that are current year or 1-2 prior year model vehicles with less than 30,000 miles.

    Term APR*
    1 - 60 Months as low as 6.00%
    61 - 72 Months as low as 6.25%
    73 - 84 Months as low as 6.75%
  • Used Vehicles

    Used vehicles include vehicles up to 10 years old and in good working order, are eligible for financing at Bragg Mutual. See a loan officer for full details.

    Term APR*
    1 - 60 Months as low as 6.25%
    61 - 72 Months as low as 6.50%
    73 - 84 Months as low as 7.00%
  • New & Used Motorcycles

    New motorcycles include motorcycles that are current year of one prior model year motorcycle. Used motorcycles include motorcycles up to 10 years old and in good working order, are eligible for financing at Bragg Mutual. See a loan officer for full details.

    Term APR*
    1 - 60 Months as low as 12.00%
  • New Recreational Vehicles

    New camping recreational vehicles include motor homes, fifth wheels, travel trailers, and pop-ups that are a current year or upcoming year models with less than 10,000 miles. We finance up to 90% of the recreational vehicle's value.

    Term APR*
    1 - 235 Months as low as 8.50%
  • Used Recreational Vehicles

    Used camping recreational vehicles include motor homes, fifth wheels, travel trailers, and pop-ups that are up to 10 years old and in good working order. We finance up to 90% of the recreational vehicle's value.

    Term APR*
    1 - 235 Months as low as 9.50%
  • New Outdoor Recreation

    New non-camping recreational vehicles include motorized golf carts, ATVs, towable trailers, dirt bikes, jet skis, or other vehicles not customarily used as basic transportation. Non-camping recreation vehicle must be current year or upcoming year models with less that 10,000 miles (and only titled once). We finance up to 100% of the non-camping recreational vehicle's value.

    Term APR*
    1 - 60 Months as low as 10.50%
  • Used Outdoor Recreation

    Used non-camping recreational vehicles include motorized golf carts, ATVs, towable trailers, dirt bikes, jet skis, or other vehicles not customarily used as basic transportation. Non-camping recreation vehicle must be no more than 10 years old and in good working order. We finance up to 100% of the non-camping recreational vehicle's value.

    Term APR*
    1 - 60 Months as low as 11.50%

Personal Loans

  • Unsecured Line of Credit

    Loan Amount APR*
    Up to $10,000.00 as low as 12.75%
  • Unsecured Term Loan

    Term Loan Amount APR*
    Up to 36 Months Up to $5,000.00 as low as 10.00%
    37 - 60 Months Up to $25,000.00 as low as 12.75%
  • Visa Credit Card

    Type APR*
    VISA Elite Credit Card as low as 12.00%
    VISA Patriot Credit Card as low as 16.50
    VISA Share Secured Credit Card as low as 12.50%

Real Estate Loans

  • Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

    Value Term APR* Floor Rate
    Up to 90% Revolving Prime plus 0.50% 3.50%
    91% and above Revolving Prime plus 3.00% 3.50%
  • Home Equity Term Loan (HEL)

    Value Term APR* Floor Rate
    Up to 90% 5 Years 7.00% 3.50%
    10 Years 7.25% 3.50%
    15 Years 7.50% 3.50%

Deposit Accounts

Account Type Min. Balance To Open Account Min. Balance to Earn APY Dividend Rate* APY* Compounding
Savings $5.00 $300.00 0.10% 0.10% Quarterly
Checking $10.00 $500.00 0.00% 0.00% Monthly
Perks Checking $10.00 $0.00 1.50%1 1.51% Monthly
$2,500.01 0.05% 0.05% Monthly
Perks Plus Checking $50.00 $0.00 1.50%1 1.51% Monthly
$5,000.01 0.05% 0.05% Monthly
Money Market Account $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.10% 0.10% Monthly
$10,000.00 1.00% 1.01% Monthly
$50,000.00 1.50% 1.51% Monthly
Holiday Club $10.00 $100.00 0.15% 0.15% Monthly
Vacation Club $10.00 $100.00 0.15% 0.15% Monthly
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
$10.00 $300.00 0.65% 0.65% Monthly

1 Must use online banking at least once per month; must enroll in e-Statements; must maintain a valid e-mail address on file; Perks Checking accounts must have a minimum of 12 signature-based or POS-based transactions (excludes ATM transactions) per month; Perks Plus Checking accounts must have a minimum of 24 signature-based or POS-based transactions (excludes ATM transactions) per month. If requirements are not met, dividends will be based on current Checking Account dividend rate.

Share Certificate Rates

Term Min. Balance To Open Account Min. Balance to Earn APY Dividend Rate* APY* Compounding
6 Months $500.00 N/A 3.50% 3.56% Monthly
12 Months (No Checking or Money Market account required) $1,000.00 N/A 5.00%** 5.12%** Monthly
12 Months (Requires active Checking or Money Market account) $1,000.00 N/A 5.25%** 5.38%** Monthly
24 Months $1,000.00 N/A 4.25% 4.33% Monthly
36 Months $1,000.00 N/A 3.75% 3.82% Monthly
48 Months $10,000.00 N/A 3.75% 3.82% Monthly
60 Months $10,000.00 N/A 3.75% 3.82% Monthly

*All Deposit Account & Share Certificate rates are effective as of 7/10/2023. Interest rates and APYs are fixed for the term of the certificate. Rates, minimum deposit requirements and maturity dates for new accounts are subject to change daily at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Fees, penalties imposed for early withdrawal, or other conditions may reduce earnings on the account.

**Dividend Rate & APY applicable to 12 Month Share Certificate balances up to $250,000.00. Additional 12 Month Share Certificate deposits above the first $250,000.00 have a dividend rate of 4.50% with an APY of 4.59%.